Explanations and Rule References
1. The hands are part of a person's body
If a pitch hits the batter's hands the ball is dead; if he swung at the pitch,
a strike is called (NOT a foul) if he is avoiding the pitch,
he is awarded first base
Rules: 2.00 PERSON, TOUCH, STRIKE (e) and 6.05(f)
2. The batter-runner may turn left or right, provided
that if he turns left he does not make an attempt to advance. An attempt is a
judgment made by the umpire. The requirement is that the runner must
immediately return to first after overrunning or oversliding it.
Rule: 7.08(c and j)
3. A strike is a judgment by the umpire as to whether the
batter attempted to strike the ball. Breaking the wrists, or the barrel of
the bat crossing the plate are simply guides to making the judgment of an
attempt, these are not rules.
Rule: 2.00 STRIKE
4. The plate is in fair territory. There is nothing
special about it. If a batted ball hits it, it is treated like any other
batted ball.
5. The batter's box is not a safety zone. A batter could
be called out for interference if the umpire judges that interference could
or should have been avoided.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.06(c)
6. There is nothing foul about a foul-tip. If the ball
nicks the bat and goes sharp and direct to the catcher's hand or glove and is
caught, this is a foul-tip by definition. A foul-tip is a strike and the ball
is alive. It is the same as a swing-and-miss. If the ball is not caught, it
is a foul ball. If the nicked pitch first hits the catcher somewhere other
than the hand or glove, it is not a foul-tip, it is a foul ball.
Rules: 2.00 FOUL-TIP, STRIKE
7. The batter can switch boxes at any time, provided he
does not do it after the pitcher is ready to pitch.
Rule: 6.06(b)
8. The PROPER batter is the one called out. Any hit or
advance made by the batter or runners due to the hit, walk, error or other
reason is nullified. The next batter is the one who follows the proper batter
who was called out.
Rule: 6.07(b, 1)
9. Rule 7.08(c and j) simply state that a batter-runner
must immediately return after overrunning first base. It doesn't state any
exceptions as to how the player became a runner. It could be a hit, walk,
error or dropped third strike.
10. A batter who does not realize his
situation on a third strike not caught, and who is not in the process of
running to first base, shall be declared out once he leaves the dirt circle
surrounding home plate. New rule 2007
Rule: 6.05(c), 6.09(b) Casebook interpretation
11. A strike is an attempt to hit the ball. Simply
holding the bat over the plate is not an attempt. This is umpire judgment.
Rule 2.00 STRIKE
12. The rule says the BAT cannot hit the ball a second
time. When the BALL hits the bat, it is not an out.
Rules: 6.05(h) and 7.09(b)
13. To be out the batter's foot must be ENTIRELY outside
the box when he contacts the pitch. There is no statement about touching the
plate. The toe could be on the plate and the heel could be touching the line
of the box, which means the foot is not entirely outside the box.
Rule: 6.06(a)
14. The runner must be out of the box AND cause
interference. He is not out simply for being outside the lane. He could be
called for interference even while in the lane. This is a judgment call.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.05(k), 7.09(k)
15. The ball is dead on a homerun over the fence. You
can't be put out while the ball is dead except when you pass another runner.
Rules: 5.02, 7.05(a)
16. There is no such thing in the world of umpiring. The
runner is either out or safe.
17. When a fielder other than the pitcher throws the ball
into dead ball area, the award is 2 bases. The award is from where the
runners were at the time of the pitch if it is the first play by an infielder
before all runners have advanced or from where each runner was physically
positioned at the time the ball left the throwers hand on all other plays.
Rule: 7.05(g)
18. Rule 7.09(I) says the runner is out if the coach
PHYSICALLY ASSISTS the runner. Hand slaps, back pats or simple touches are
not physical assists.
19. In order to correct a base running mistake, the
runner MUST retrace his steps and retouch the bases in reverse order. The
only time a runner is out for running in reverse, is when he is making a
travesty of the game or tries to confuse the defense.
Rules: 7.08(I), 7.10(b)
20. There is no "must slide" rule. When the fielder has
the ball in possession, the runner has two choices; slide OR attempt to get
around the fielder. He may NOT deliberately or maliciously contact the
fielder, but he is NOT required to slide.
Rule: 7.08(a, 3) this rule does not apply to professionals.
21. The bases are in fair territory. A runner is out when
hit by a fair batted ball, except an infield-fly.
Rules: 5.09(f), 7.08(f)
22. There is nothing foul about a foul-tip. If the ball
nicks the bat and goes to the catcher's glove and is caught, this is a
foul-tip by definition. A foul-tip is a strike and the ball is alive. It is
the same as a swing-and-miss. If the ball is not caught, it is a foul ball.
Rules: 2.00 FOUL-TIP, STRIKE
23. A force play is when a runner is forced to advance
because the batter became a runner. When the batter is out on a caught fly,
all forces are removed. An out on an a failure to tag-up, is NOT a force out.
Any runs that cross the plate before this out will count.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09
24. A runner must touch all the bases. If the runner
misses a base to which he was forced because the batter became a runner and
is put out before touching that base, the out is still a force play. If this
is the third out, no runs may score. The base can be touched or the runner
can be touched, either way it's a force out.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, TAG, 7.08(e), 7.10(b)
25. The runner MUST avoid a fielder attempting to field a
BATTED ball. A runner is out for running out of the baseline, only when
attempting to avoid a tag.
Rules: 7.08(a), 7.09(L)
26. An Infield-fly is no different than any other fly
ball in regard to the runners. The only difference is that they are never
forced to advance because the batter is out whether the ball is caught or
Rules: 2.00 INFIELD-FLY, 6.05(e), 7.10(a)
27. Yes it can. This is not a force play. A force play is
when a runner is forced to advance because the batter became a runner. When
the batter is out on a caught fly, all forces are removed. An out on an a
failure to tag-up, is NOT a force out. Any runs that cross the plate before
this out will count.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09, 7.10(a)
28. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. It doesn't matter how it gets to the batter. The batter may hit any
pitch that is thrown.
Rule: 2.00 PITCH. (If the ball does not cross the foul line, it is not a pitch.)
29. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. It doesn't matter how it gets to the batter. If the batter is hit by
a pitch while attempting to avoid it, he is awarded first base.
Rules: 2.00 PITCH, 6.08(b).
30. A catch is legal when the umpire judges that the
fielder has COMPLETE control of the ball. The release of the ball must be
voluntary and intentional.
Rule: 2.00 CATCH
31. You can tag a base with ANY part of the body.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, PERSON, TAG, 7.08(e)
32. In Federation rules it is, not in any others. If a
throw or pitch is made after the balk call, the ball is delayed dead. At the
end of the play the balk may be enforced or not depending on what happened.
On a throw; if ALL runners advance on the play, the balk is ignored. If not,
the balk award is enforced from the time of pitch. On a pitch; if ALL runners
INCLUDING the batter, advance on the play, the balk is ignored. Otherwise, it
is no-pitch and the balk award is made from the time of the pitch.
Rule: 8.05 PENALTY
33. The position of the player's feet or any other part
of the body is irrelevant. A ball is judged fair or foul based on the
relationship between the ball and the ground at the time the ball is touched.
Rule: 2.00 FAIR, FOUL
34. An appeal may be made anytime the ball is alive. The only
time the ball must go to the pitcher, is when time is out. The ball cannot be
made live until the pitcher has the ball while on the rubber and the umpire
says "Play." If time is not out, the appeal can be made immediately.
Rule: 2.00 APPEAL, 5.11, 7.10
35. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. If the ball is not delivered, it is not a pitch. If this happens
with runners on base it is a balk.
Rule: 2.00 PITCH.
36. The pitcher is required to come to a complete stop in
the Set position before delivering the pitch, not before making a throw.
Rule: 8.05(m)
37. If the pitcher steps off the rubber he is no longer
the pitcher, he is a fielder. He can throw to a base from the rubber,
provided he does not break any of the rules under rule 8.05
38. As long as the fielder is not touching the ground in
dead ball territory when he catches the ball, it is a legal catch if he holds
onto the ball and meets the definition of a catch. If the catch is not the
third out and the fielder falls down in dead ball territory, all runners are
awarded one base. If the fielder remains on his feet in dead ball territory
after the catch, the ball is alive and he may make a play.
Rules: 2.00 CATCH, 6.05(a), 7.04(c)
39. If an umpire is hit by a batted ball before it passes
a fielder, the ball is dead. On any other batted or thrown ball, the ball is
alive when the umpire is hit with the ball. Umpire interference also occurs
when the plate umpire interferes with the catcher's attempt to prevent a
stolen base.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 5.09(b), 5.09(f)
40. The umpire who made a call or ruling may ask for help
if he wishes. No umpire may overrule another umpire's call.
Rules: 9.02(b, c)
If a pitch hits the batter's hands the ball is dead; if he swung at the pitch,
a strike is called (NOT a foul) if he is avoiding the pitch,
he is awarded first base
Rules: 2.00 PERSON, TOUCH, STRIKE (e) and 6.05(f)
2. The batter-runner may turn left or right, provided
that if he turns left he does not make an attempt to advance. An attempt is a
judgment made by the umpire. The requirement is that the runner must
immediately return to first after overrunning or oversliding it.
Rule: 7.08(c and j)
3. A strike is a judgment by the umpire as to whether the
batter attempted to strike the ball. Breaking the wrists, or the barrel of
the bat crossing the plate are simply guides to making the judgment of an
attempt, these are not rules.
Rule: 2.00 STRIKE
4. The plate is in fair territory. There is nothing
special about it. If a batted ball hits it, it is treated like any other
batted ball.
5. The batter's box is not a safety zone. A batter could
be called out for interference if the umpire judges that interference could
or should have been avoided.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.06(c)
6. There is nothing foul about a foul-tip. If the ball
nicks the bat and goes sharp and direct to the catcher's hand or glove and is
caught, this is a foul-tip by definition. A foul-tip is a strike and the ball
is alive. It is the same as a swing-and-miss. If the ball is not caught, it
is a foul ball. If the nicked pitch first hits the catcher somewhere other
than the hand or glove, it is not a foul-tip, it is a foul ball.
Rules: 2.00 FOUL-TIP, STRIKE
7. The batter can switch boxes at any time, provided he
does not do it after the pitcher is ready to pitch.
Rule: 6.06(b)
8. The PROPER batter is the one called out. Any hit or
advance made by the batter or runners due to the hit, walk, error or other
reason is nullified. The next batter is the one who follows the proper batter
who was called out.
Rule: 6.07(b, 1)
9. Rule 7.08(c and j) simply state that a batter-runner
must immediately return after overrunning first base. It doesn't state any
exceptions as to how the player became a runner. It could be a hit, walk,
error or dropped third strike.
10. A batter who does not realize his
situation on a third strike not caught, and who is not in the process of
running to first base, shall be declared out once he leaves the dirt circle
surrounding home plate. New rule 2007
Rule: 6.05(c), 6.09(b) Casebook interpretation
11. A strike is an attempt to hit the ball. Simply
holding the bat over the plate is not an attempt. This is umpire judgment.
Rule 2.00 STRIKE
12. The rule says the BAT cannot hit the ball a second
time. When the BALL hits the bat, it is not an out.
Rules: 6.05(h) and 7.09(b)
13. To be out the batter's foot must be ENTIRELY outside
the box when he contacts the pitch. There is no statement about touching the
plate. The toe could be on the plate and the heel could be touching the line
of the box, which means the foot is not entirely outside the box.
Rule: 6.06(a)
14. The runner must be out of the box AND cause
interference. He is not out simply for being outside the lane. He could be
called for interference even while in the lane. This is a judgment call.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 6.05(k), 7.09(k)
15. The ball is dead on a homerun over the fence. You
can't be put out while the ball is dead except when you pass another runner.
Rules: 5.02, 7.05(a)
16. There is no such thing in the world of umpiring. The
runner is either out or safe.
17. When a fielder other than the pitcher throws the ball
into dead ball area, the award is 2 bases. The award is from where the
runners were at the time of the pitch if it is the first play by an infielder
before all runners have advanced or from where each runner was physically
positioned at the time the ball left the throwers hand on all other plays.
Rule: 7.05(g)
18. Rule 7.09(I) says the runner is out if the coach
PHYSICALLY ASSISTS the runner. Hand slaps, back pats or simple touches are
not physical assists.
19. In order to correct a base running mistake, the
runner MUST retrace his steps and retouch the bases in reverse order. The
only time a runner is out for running in reverse, is when he is making a
travesty of the game or tries to confuse the defense.
Rules: 7.08(I), 7.10(b)
20. There is no "must slide" rule. When the fielder has
the ball in possession, the runner has two choices; slide OR attempt to get
around the fielder. He may NOT deliberately or maliciously contact the
fielder, but he is NOT required to slide.
Rule: 7.08(a, 3) this rule does not apply to professionals.
21. The bases are in fair territory. A runner is out when
hit by a fair batted ball, except an infield-fly.
Rules: 5.09(f), 7.08(f)
22. There is nothing foul about a foul-tip. If the ball
nicks the bat and goes to the catcher's glove and is caught, this is a
foul-tip by definition. A foul-tip is a strike and the ball is alive. It is
the same as a swing-and-miss. If the ball is not caught, it is a foul ball.
Rules: 2.00 FOUL-TIP, STRIKE
23. A force play is when a runner is forced to advance
because the batter became a runner. When the batter is out on a caught fly,
all forces are removed. An out on an a failure to tag-up, is NOT a force out.
Any runs that cross the plate before this out will count.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09
24. A runner must touch all the bases. If the runner
misses a base to which he was forced because the batter became a runner and
is put out before touching that base, the out is still a force play. If this
is the third out, no runs may score. The base can be touched or the runner
can be touched, either way it's a force out.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, TAG, 7.08(e), 7.10(b)
25. The runner MUST avoid a fielder attempting to field a
BATTED ball. A runner is out for running out of the baseline, only when
attempting to avoid a tag.
Rules: 7.08(a), 7.09(L)
26. An Infield-fly is no different than any other fly
ball in regard to the runners. The only difference is that they are never
forced to advance because the batter is out whether the ball is caught or
Rules: 2.00 INFIELD-FLY, 6.05(e), 7.10(a)
27. Yes it can. This is not a force play. A force play is
when a runner is forced to advance because the batter became a runner. When
the batter is out on a caught fly, all forces are removed. An out on an a
failure to tag-up, is NOT a force out. Any runs that cross the plate before
this out will count.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, 4.09, 7.10(a)
28. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. It doesn't matter how it gets to the batter. The batter may hit any
pitch that is thrown.
Rule: 2.00 PITCH. (If the ball does not cross the foul line, it is not a pitch.)
29. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. It doesn't matter how it gets to the batter. If the batter is hit by
a pitch while attempting to avoid it, he is awarded first base.
Rules: 2.00 PITCH, 6.08(b).
30. A catch is legal when the umpire judges that the
fielder has COMPLETE control of the ball. The release of the ball must be
voluntary and intentional.
Rule: 2.00 CATCH
31. You can tag a base with ANY part of the body.
Rules: 2.00 FORCE PLAY, PERSON, TAG, 7.08(e)
32. In Federation rules it is, not in any others. If a
throw or pitch is made after the balk call, the ball is delayed dead. At the
end of the play the balk may be enforced or not depending on what happened.
On a throw; if ALL runners advance on the play, the balk is ignored. If not,
the balk award is enforced from the time of pitch. On a pitch; if ALL runners
INCLUDING the batter, advance on the play, the balk is ignored. Otherwise, it
is no-pitch and the balk award is made from the time of the pitch.
Rule: 8.05 PENALTY
33. The position of the player's feet or any other part
of the body is irrelevant. A ball is judged fair or foul based on the
relationship between the ball and the ground at the time the ball is touched.
Rule: 2.00 FAIR, FOUL
34. An appeal may be made anytime the ball is alive. The only
time the ball must go to the pitcher, is when time is out. The ball cannot be
made live until the pitcher has the ball while on the rubber and the umpire
says "Play." If time is not out, the appeal can be made immediately.
Rule: 2.00 APPEAL, 5.11, 7.10
35. A pitch is a ball delivered to the batter by the
pitcher. If the ball is not delivered, it is not a pitch. If this happens
with runners on base it is a balk.
Rule: 2.00 PITCH.
36. The pitcher is required to come to a complete stop in
the Set position before delivering the pitch, not before making a throw.
Rule: 8.05(m)
37. If the pitcher steps off the rubber he is no longer
the pitcher, he is a fielder. He can throw to a base from the rubber,
provided he does not break any of the rules under rule 8.05
38. As long as the fielder is not touching the ground in
dead ball territory when he catches the ball, it is a legal catch if he holds
onto the ball and meets the definition of a catch. If the catch is not the
third out and the fielder falls down in dead ball territory, all runners are
awarded one base. If the fielder remains on his feet in dead ball territory
after the catch, the ball is alive and he may make a play.
Rules: 2.00 CATCH, 6.05(a), 7.04(c)
39. If an umpire is hit by a batted ball before it passes
a fielder, the ball is dead. On any other batted or thrown ball, the ball is
alive when the umpire is hit with the ball. Umpire interference also occurs
when the plate umpire interferes with the catcher's attempt to prevent a
stolen base.
Rules: 2.00 INTERFERENCE, 5.09(b), 5.09(f)
40. The umpire who made a call or ruling may ask for help
if he wishes. No umpire may overrule another umpire's call.
Rules: 9.02(b, c)